Wednesday, March 5, 2024 10:00 am
Zoom United States
Chandelle Crane
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It’s Go Time!: How to Ensure You Properly Carry Out Chapter 21 Contract Decisions Everyone
has (hopefully) been preparing for nonrenewal season all year, but is
your team really ready? Join Thompson & Horton attorneys Stephanie
Hamm and Celena Vinson to discuss best practices for file review
meetings, discussing resignations, and carrying out end-of-year
terminations and nonrenewals in compliance with Texas law and board
policies. This presentation will help HR professionals ensure that all
the hard work leading up to nonrenewal season doesn’t go to waste based
on missed deadlines, insufficient notice, or other missteps.
Presenters: Stephanie
Hamm and Celena Vinson, Thompson & Horton, LLP
Cost: FREE to TASPA Members - $25 for Non-Members
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